The Office of National Statistics released their unemployment figures this morning. And it was good news. We like good news here at Hiring Hub. Not only did unemployment fall, wage growth hit a four year high. The number of unemployed workers fell by 43,000 between February and April, to 1.81 million. That means there are now 31.05…
Read MoreUK unemployment rate falls
Right person – right role. The mantra by which all recruitment decisions should be made. Without this the candidate won’t flourish and the business will suffer. Simple stuff really. But is this always the case? We recently conducted market research into recruitment pressures with 100 business owners and HR managers. The results were nothing short…
Read MoreHow to fire someone: ten tips to avoid screwing it up
We all know that with great power comes great responsibility. Unfortunately in business great responsibility also comes with one of the worst parts of the job – having to fire someone.If you’re reading this, chances are you’re in that position and you want some guidance to do it right. Good news! Your employee is already…
Read MoreThe death of LinkedIn for recruiters
LinkedIn has long been the recruiters (not so) secret weapon. It’s no surprise that so many consultants flock to the platform. After all, where else are you likely to find 350 million business people? But has the social media site had its day? It’s a big question, and one that might sound crazy. After all,…
Read MorePost-election job hike
Well, that was a turn up for the books wasn’t it? Not many predicted a majority win in this years election. The recruitment industry certainly didn’t. It slowed following concerns and uncertainty around a hung parliament. But with Mr Cameron still able to call 10 Downing Street home and the dust settling after a long (very…
Read MoreThe 5 least important factors candidates consider in a new role
What makes a candidate decide to jump ship from their current role and become the new kid in the office? Improved pay, job title, responsibility, security, work/life balance, progression? Sounds about right? What if we were to tell you that some of the above came in the bottom 5 reasons candidates have for changing roles?…
Read MoreTop 25 interview questions
You’re a carrot in a salad and a fork is coming towards you. You’re about to be eaten. What do you do? As bizarre interview questions go, that’s up there with the most abstract, and it’s perhaps not an angle many hiring managers would pursue with any great vigour. However, if you really want to get…
Read More10 of the most extravagant and odd job perks
Despite a competitive jobs market many employers, particularly in specialist sectors like IT, have concerns about staff retention, and some are going to extraordinary lengths to ensure their workforce is merry and content. So how do you ensure that YOUR staff are motivated and happy? Should you consider more flexible hours, extra training, or, like…
Read MoreThe eight ball: core characteristics we look for when hiring
Hiring Hub is a fast-growing business and, therefore, not immune to recruitment pains of its own. But whether we’re looking for a new web developer or sales person, we judge all those we meet against eight core characteristics that we believe set people apart in the workplace. We’re looking for what we call Eight Balls….
Read MoreThe top 12 weirdest jobs
If you’re getting bored of your 9-5 and each working day is beginning to feel the same, fear not, because things could be a lot worse. There are some strange vocations out there, from Armpit Sniffer to Professional Thief, and we’ve compiled a quick list of the Top 12 Weirdest Jobs to bring a hint of…
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