A user since 2016, Jenn Hulme, Head of HR at MID Communications shares her thoughts on Hiring Hub. Can you remember what it was about Hiring Hub that first made you give it a go? I heard about it at the CIPD conference and I liked the concept. The secure barrier between the employers and…
Read MoreAgency Q&A: GK Recruitment
Having joined Hiring Hub in August 2016, we caught up with Earlan Kirwin, an IT Consultant at GK Recruitment to get his thoughts on all-things Hiring Hub… What inspired you to use Hiring Hub? The volume and variety of roles that Hiring Hub had were appealing to me. I’m not a sales person myself, with my…
Read MoreHow to make over £100k a year on Hiring Hub
A quick five minute read… To understand why recruitment agencies use Hiring Hub and what they think of the platform and service, we interviewed some of our community’s long-standing members. Heather Maxfield of Obscurant Recruitment has been working with Hiring Hub since January 2015, making over 50 placements on the marketplace, and billing over £100k…
Read MoreHiring Hub raises £1.4m to solve recruitment’s problems
When we started Hiring Hub, back in 2011, we did so with a big mission: we wanted to make people feel good about recruitment. Today, we’ve taken another small step towards achieving that goal and are proud to announce that we’ve closed a £1.4m investment round, led by Maven Capital Partners, who joined our existing…
Read MoreIs talent acquisition the best job in HR?
It’s a critical HR function. One that could potentially make or break your business. After all, the people you hire will shape its future. Make a major mistake when hiring new staff and it could cost you. But that’s not to say that this pressure doesn’t come without reward. And we think Talent Acquisition is one…
Read MoreShazam, and the future of recruitment
Since I joined the Recruitment industry, however many moons ago, there has been an incredible shift in the way that people hire. We used to notice the flow of hiring cycles, changing on a bi-annual basis almost. It was either a candidates’ market or a clients’ market. The candidates would either hold all the power…
A member of Hiring Hub’s recruitment agency community since 2014, Josh Simmons is among the network’s top billers, and regularly makes a placement a month on the marketplace. We caught up with the London-based IT consultant to get his view on Hiring Hub, and understand how he’s developing his agency’s reputation through the marketplace. You…
Read MoreTreat your candidates like VIPs
A couple of months ago I spoke at an event about the way we hire at Lyst, mentioning some of the qualities we look for in our candidates, the recruitment process we’ve put in place, and how important it is for us to be nice to our candidates. The last one resonated the most with the…
Read MoreHow alternative finance could help your company grow
Alternative finance has come on leaps and bounds in the last few years — but various studies have shown that small and medium sized companies still don’t have a particularly good understanding of the options available to them. Although many recruiters will already be aware of ‘FinTech’ and ‘AltFi’ — because they’ve placed candidates with…
Read MoreWhat does it take to win?
It’s a question asked by sports teams across the country. What can they do to ensure they win, time after time? It’s a question that Dave Brailsford and his professional cycling team, Team Sky, ask on a daily basis. And one that has resulted in them winning the world’s most prestigious cycling race, Le Tour…
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